1. In order to make municipal authorities under Xianning city put more efforts on striving for and introducing projects and further improving enthusiasm, and to promote the city's economic and social development, these measures are formulated.
2. Not only can the projects that are strove for or introduced enjoy the investment preferential policies treatment according to the municipal government regulations, but also the enterprises that introduce the projects will be rewarded for career. The introduction of intangible assets such as capital, technology and brand that directly co-operate with the enterprises under the city shall be regarded as the introduced projects.
3. If two or more companies strive for or introduce the same project at the same time, the rewards shall be shared by all of them..
4. The rewards criteria:
(1). Public welfare projects: The capital that strove for or introduced used in the construction of public welfare projects which do not generate direct benefit can be paid by the municipal government which they get from the local tax. The comprehensive economic departments and other departments in the city that strive for and introduce the capital of public welfare projects and policy can gain money for career development by a certain percentage.
(2). Production and operating items: When the project strove for and introduced is complete, the Department of Finance will return the incentives according to enterprises that actually paid tax to local government finance, 100% for the first year, 80% for the second year, 50% for the third year. And the enterprises which introduce intangible assets, like capital, technology, equipment directly co-operate with the enterprises under the city will be paid, too, according to enterprises that actually paid tax to local government finance, 100% for the first year, 80% for the second year, 50% for the third year..
5. Disbursement of rewards funds. The company that strive for and introduce project can apply it after the public welfare projects start or in the next year when the production and operating item is completed. After checked by Fiscalit Department, Municipal government, Finance Department, the funds will be included in annual budget for striving for and introducing projects in the company.
6. Companies or persons who are not under Xianning municipal government, strive for and introduce projects, will be rewarded by the same way, if they help to develop economic and social development in the city.
7. Preparatory work funding of major projects will be arranged in special funds which are determined by the mayor office meeting.
8. Matters that are not included will be proposed by the mayor and determined by the office meeting.
9. The municipal finance bureau is responsible for the explanation.
10. The measures will come into force after releasing.
Municipal government Office
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