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Hubei pediatric experts provided free clinic and charity assistance for children in Xianning

source:xianning.gov.cn 2024-09-20 [ font size:Large Medium Small]

Hubei pediatric medical alliance expert team, composed of paediatricians from Hubei Children's Medical Center, Xianning Central Hospital, and Xianning First People's Hospital, carried out 2024 Hubei Children's Health Tour (Xianning station) and "Angel's Journey" congenital heart disease screening and rescue activity in Xianning on Sep 14.

At the event site, the outpatient hall of the city's first people's hospital was crowded. Many parents brought their children, under the guidance of volunteers from the Xianning Red Cross Society, to orderly carry out congenital heart disease screening and pediatric disease consultation.

The experts carefully asked the medical history of the children who came to see the doctor, conducted a detailed physical examination, and provided professional diagnosis and treatment recommendations for each child. For children with serious diseases, experts conducted comprehensive screening and provided detailed consultation services and health guidance for their parents.

The event also entered Tongcheng County People's Hospital and Chibi City People's Hospital. According to the statistics, a total of more than 100 intended children were screened for free diagnosis, and 15 children in need of further treatment were screened in this activity.

The activity will also provide charity assistance of up to 30,000 yuan for severely ill children from poor families, to ensure that every child has access to quality health care. (Xianning Daily/Chen Jing)

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